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Hi guys,innanzi tutto grazie per i consigli.
Però c’è un cosa che non mi è ancora molto chiara ed e’ this:
ho sempre letto in rete che quando lavoriamo con lo specchio ed utensile,se mettiamo l’utensile sotto e lo specchio sopra ed allunghiamo le passate rispetto 1/3 COC
(is: 1/2 COC) si consuma piu il bordo se invece le accorciamo rispetto 1/3 COC si consuma
piu il centro dello specchio ; Ora se mettiamo lo specchio sotto e l’utensile sopra si verifica il contrario cioe’ che vuol dire che in questo caso allungando le passate rispetto a
1/3 COC si consuma il centro? Questo non mi e’ ancora molto chiaro in fondo allungo le passate allo stesso modo che con l’utensile sotto e specchio sopra.
Spero di essere stato chiaro.thank you
Le foto sono tutte intrafocale
Oggi dopo altre 45 min di lavoro ho fatto altre foto
3 con il reticolo di rame 3 con reticolo stampato.
Mi sembra un po meglio che ne dici?
Good evening,
I started working with gugolz (for a 40 minutes in total) and it seems to me that the situation as regards the sharpness a little improved ,I also made some changes to the tester, but’ if I'm not mistaken I see a little hill in the center.
It's okay if I keep working 1/3 COC ?the bonus 5 photos are with the copper lattice
the others 4 with printed pattern you
Hi guys how are you? I hope so.
I am reactivating to resume the processing of my mirror where I was left,
as a first operation I will have to redo the pitch candies with the gugolz64
and then we'll see if anything changes.
I hope that in the next few weeks to post some better images than the ones I have posted to date.Hello everybody
Hi guys I wanted to inform you that in this period I am stopped with the processing of my mirror due to the many commitments I have here in the countryside (a little vegetable garden, api, and various chores to do at home) they will probably resume’ after the summer but in any case I will follow you on the site anyway.
Hi guys,
shipping e’ that's how it went’ was first an exchange of mail in French e
thanks to the google translator I was able to communicate. Payment e’ through
bank transfer and the price e’ 31 + 16,68(Shipping costs) the courier e’ SDA of the Italian post office. On 8 April and’ was sent from France and i e’ arrived at the office on 20 April why’ my home address was unknown and I had to call SDA and change the address to that of the office.’ arrived.
maurizioHi guys ,
Five minutes ago I e’ gugolz64 arrived (it was time!) there was some problem with the shipment because living in the countryside they couldn't find me,however now all solved.
I would like to ask Giulio how I should behave with this type of pitch,just melt it and put it in the mold to make candies? I ask you this question because I am seeing that in the jar of the package I tried to sink my nail but and’ very hard so I guess it will always be so hard even in the form of candy or not?maurizio
Hi guys,I ordered the pitch from the French site suggested by Giulio,they should send it to me today. I'll let you know the shipping times.
As for my mirror, I'm still because I want to redo the pitch candies
with the gulgoz64 .
Hello everybodyOk I didn't quite understand that sentence.
Is’ that at this stage of processing I have many doubts, due to my inexperience.
But about gulgoz pitch where can I find it?
I tried to look for it but I couldn'thello Giulio,but when you say” the strokes must be applied with adaptation pressure of the tool pitch ” it means that if in the pitch-tool adaptation I put about 10 kg ,then when I start 1/3 COC I have to apply roughly the same pressure?
This weekend I will try to understand where the problem lies by evaluating all the suggestions that have been given to me.
Same pictures
Hi Massimo,thanks for your patience.
And anyway, I sanded the LED with the 800 (and after your advice I also screened it) from the beginning,the distance between source and grating e’ circa 3,5 cm ,the parallelism between lattice and slot is certainly not perfect but I think it is good, the slot I tried to tighten it and also to widen it compared to 0.125mm , however, I also used the printed grid. But one thing is’ certain that somewhere I'm wrong.
And surely those are wrapped 2 neurons I have.I forgot this made with the printed lattice -